Softcover Books

Soft cover perfect bound books make great gifts or low cost albums. These beautiful and beautifully affordable books are great for parents, friends and attendants, or as pocket books to show when that spontaneous opportunity arises.

Use the same design as your hard cover book. Use the same size or “shrink” it to make a miniature book suitable for pocket, purse or briefcase. Use all the pages in your hard cover book, or select the “best of” pages to create an abridged version.

Softcover Books

Custom printed soft covers, smooth heavy weight pages, and state-of-the-art press printed images, text and captions – these books are the perfect complement to a hard cover book.

Soft cover books have a heavy cover weight card stock cover with a graphical image and title. Choose an elegant single image and title on the front, or design a custom cover with a wrap around image, and titles on the front and spine. A satin protection coat is applied to the entire cover for beauty and additional protection. Laminate covers for the ultimate in surface protection are available.

Soft cover perfect bound books are standard with the same 120# text weight coated papers that we use in our sewn signature hard cover books for those wanting exactly the same look and feel as in their hard cover book.

Soft cover books have as few as 20 pages and as many as 400, or more.

Standard soft cover book sizes are 9×9 inches and 9×12 inches for full size books, and 5×5 inches and 5×6.5 inches for miniature books.

Miniatures are exact duplicates of the page layout and design of a larger books, including all images, captions and pages, reduced in size to fit the smaller page size while maintaining the same aspect ratio.

Other common, and available, soft cover book sizes include 5.5×8.5 inches (horizontal or vertical layout), 8×8 inches (square layout), 8.5×11 inches (horizontal layout) and 7.5×10 inches (vertical layout). Ask us if your book design will fit one of these alternative formats.

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Designing Your Photo Book
screen icon Use our free custom design software.
Available for both PCs and Mac computers, our free downloadable software is an easy to use, yet extremely powerful tool. Learn More
pbplogo icon Let our professional designers layout your photo book.
Our designers will work directly with you to lay out the pages of your book. Learn More
indesign icon Use your own professional design software.
Are you a professional photographer with professional grade design tools such as Adobe InDesign? Learn More

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